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Business Model Canvas

The Canvas Tool

Osterwalder’s Business Model Canvas maps out the different areas of a business, from the core value proposition to how you relate to clients or customers, the infrastructure you put in place to deliver value for them, and the balance of costs and value creation and capture. 

Business Strategy
Business Model Canvas.png

One of the most popular tools in business strategy is the Business Model Canvas, developed by Osterwalder and promoted through Strategyzer. The model is based on academic research into key business processes and is useful for anticipating how a problem might be addressed, what the business model might be, and how this might fit within existing value-creation strategies within an organisation.  


Around a central value proposition, the model asks people to consider how

  • They engage with their customers or clients, who they are, how you reach them and the relationship

  • The infrastructure, including partnerships, the pattern and structure of activities and the alignment of resources, deliver value

  • The costs and benefits associated with creating value accrue


At EBNLab, we use this model to structure and refine our understanding of the need, consider the population and how to reach it, and critically analyse the operational and financial viability of addressing the need. The key to using the model is to engage in a structured discussion about each element. Contact EBNWorks to arrange a session using this model. Please upload completed templates as evidence to EBNLab. 

Porters 5 Forces

Analysing the external environment is important, learn about how to use Porters Five forces here

Value Proposition

Being clear about what your value proposition is vital, learn more about using the tool here

IDEO Model

The IDEO model sets out the creative tensions at the heart of design innovation, learn how to use it here

Porter Value Chain

Use the Value Chain to understandhow value is created and where your need fits

Resource Based View

An ability to conduct an internal analysis of resources and capabilities will help to assess strategic alignment: learn more 

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