The Stage 3 Dashboard
This is a Placeholder Title and Graphic
As shown in the figure here, The primary Stage 3 dashboard is similar to the Stage 1 Dashboard, except that the Summary of the Number of Need Statements in Stage 3 provide the following information:
Pre-strategic review. A Need Statement for which no Strategic Alignment criteria have been assessed.
Partial strategic review. A Need Statement for which some, but not all of the Strategic Alignment Criteria have been assessed.
Ready to prioritise. A Need Statement for which a complete strategic alignment assessment has been carried out in relation to all the Strategic Alignment Criteria.
Clicking on the 'Review and Prioritise Need Statements' option in the Stage 3 Navigation Panel provides additional information (Shown Below) to assist the user in deciding which Need Statements can be Prioritised.
As a starting point to assist the decision process for which Need Statements are to be Prioritised, an additional Graph is shown above on the righthand side of the Stage 3 Dashboard. This Graph shows each of the Need Statements for which a Strategic Alignment Assessment has been completed and a breakdown of their scores.
The Strategic Alignment Criteria are in 3 categories relating to Viability, Feasibility and Desirability. Knowing the breakdown of the strategic alignment scores for Need Statements across these criteria and the breakdown of the EBN Score helps decision makers focus their attention on those Need Statements that are the most likely candidates for prioritisation.