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How to Add Your Need Statements

Three Methods of Adding a Need Statement

There are three options provided to add your Need Statements:

  1. Craft your Problem, Population and Outcome. This is aimed at training people to craft a Need Statement. It is a three-step guided process to creating your Need Statement.​

  2. Draft your Need Statement. This is aimed at more experienced users. It is designed to quickly capture your Need Statement in a single step.​

  3. Generate multiple Need Statements. This is a quick and simple way to generate multiple Need Statements in one go.

As part of the development of your Need Statements, you will be asked:

  • 8 questions to calculate your Confidence Score

  • to add evidence relating to the Need Statement in question.

Adding a Need Statement.png

Crafting your Problem, Population and Outcome.
If you select this method of adding a Need Statement using the button as shown above which can be accessed from the 'Add Need Statement' option in the Stage 1 Main Navigation Panel, you will be presented with a series of screens as illustrated below.

The screens are designed to prompt you to add the information for each element of the Need Statement; the Problem, the Population and the Outcome, with additional information which will become useful in the development and definition stages of the EBN Process.


As you progress through this process of crafting a Need Statement if important elements have been left out, the system, will prompt you to add the information as shown in the righthand side of the screen shown below. 

Crafting Need Statement.png

For more experienced users who are familiar with the concept of a Need Statement, Using the middle option as shown at the top of this page, you can Draft your Need Statement directly, and on the same page you can add scoring information to the Need Statement.  Like elsewhere in the EBNLab process, you can also add evidence to the Need Statement.

N.B.  When you are Drafting a Need Statement, you are able to 'Tag' the need Statement with subject and concept tags which make it easier to organise and compare Need Statements relating to the same concepts or subject matters.

Drfting Need Statement.png

Generate Multiple Need Statements

Once you have started to gather and record multiple problems, populations and outcomes, it can be useful to consider all the known populations, problems and outcomes to identify Needs which have not yet been considered. 

Alternatively, if you have large quantities of information on the system, it can be much faster to generate need statement using the Generate Multiple Need Statements option as shown below by selecting the third option shown at the top of this page.

The figure below shows the screen which allows you to Generate Multiple Needs. By clicking on the coloured arrow box adjacent a problem population and outcome, this will quickly draft a need statement comprising those elements.

N.B.  If the Auto-save option is switched on, as soon as three elements of a Need Statement have been selected, that Need Statement will be generated.  When using this option it can sometimes be easier to switch the Auto-save off, so that you can generate Multiple Need Statements before clicking the Orange Save Button which will record the newly generated Need Statements on the EBNLab Platform.

Generate Multiple Statements 1.png
How To
Capture Evidence?

Evidence is a crucial to crafting a credible need, learn how to capture it here.  

What is an
Evidence Score?

Evidence is a crucial to crafting a credible need, learn how evidence scores work here

What is a
Confidence Score?

To invest in a need there needs to be confidence in that need, learn about confidence scoring here

How to Prioritise a
Need Statement?

Not all needs are the same, and we need to make choices, learn how to priortise needs here

What the Stage 1
Dashboard Tells You?

Learn how to use the Stage 1 Dashboard here

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